
FAP was created by danish artist Philip Barfred in january 2017. It is a socio-artistic project aimed at increasing human-forest relations and interference. The forest is seen and understood as an evolved living entity conscious and able to communicate. The Project aim is to enhance this interspecies communication by means of “landart” installations, objects, etc. for the mutual benefit of both.

“Trees are the largest and most spiritually advanced plants on Earth. They are constantly in meditation. Subtle energy is their natural language.”

~Mantak Chia

More info on its Facebookpage

March 2020: The City council of Andelot-Morval has authorized Forest Art Project to begin the realisation of an art project in the communal forest leading to the belvedère next to the Chateau d’Andelot. It will be magic. The project PAF, Projet Art Fôret now has its own facebook page PAF

Le parcours depuis l’abri forestier

Octobre 2020: “Encerclement des Pins”.

Projet Art Forestière. Andelot-Morval octobre 2020. Philip Barfred
”Encerclement des Pins”.
Installation forestière (land art) octobre 2020. Foret communal Andelot-Morval, Jura.
Creé un lien symbolique avec les arbres (et donc la nature).
Les pins sur le parcours vers le belvédère sont encercle avec la ficelle.

Aout 2021 “Cercles suspendu”: